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08.12.2023 | Board Members, OrKidstra Stories
26.07.2023 | A Note from OrKidstra, CAMP OrKidstra, Donor Impact, Fun Stuff, OrKidstra Stories
A special thank you to the Ottawa Community Foundation for your support of CAMP OrKidstra 2023 and to the TELUS Friendly Future Foundation for you support of OrKidstra’s Leaders in…
11.07.2023 | OrKidstra Event, OrKidstra In The Community, OrKidstra Stories
06.06.2023 | A Note from OrKidstra, Donor Impact, OrKidstra Stories
2023 OrKidstra Graduate Mateo shares his story Dear Reader, I am an immigrant that came to Canada when I was four years old with a backpack full of hope. I’m…
10.11.2022 | A Note from OrKidstra, Board Members, Legacy Giving, OrKidstra Stories
21.09.2022 | A Note from OrKidstra, Board Members, Legacy Giving, OrKidstra Stories
21.07.2022 | A Note from OrKidstra, CAMP OrKidstra, Fun Stuff, OrKidstra In The Community, OrKidstra Stories
by Mark Constantine, Artistic Administrator After two years of virtual summer programming, for two weeks, from July 4 to July 15, 2022, OrKidstra held its first in-person summer camp since…
07.04.2017 | OrKidstra In The Community, OrKidstra Stories
OrKidstra performs “Lost Boy,” accompanying JUNO Award-winning artist Ruth B, on The JUNO Awards broadcast on Sunday, April 2. Big thanks to MusiCounts for inviting OrKidstra to be a part of the…