Remembering Jane Anido
It is in great sorrow that OrKidstra announces that Jane Anido, elected Board Chair on November 1, 2019, suffered a brain hemorrhage and died on December 4. Our thoughts are with her husband, Martin Low, and their lovely family during this difficult time.
Jane gave us the phrase we use to describe how OrKidstra aspires to approach everything we do: with love, courage and excellence. She embodied these characteristics in her own manner and person. Although we will never know how greatly she would have influenced OrKidstra’s future as Chair, we celebrate with gratitude the contribution she has already made as Board member, Vice Chair, colleague, supporter, and friend.
Jane’s obituary can be found here:
A tribute to Jane Anido can be found on pg. 11 of OrKidstra’s most recent Annual Report:
Updated Dec. 4, 2020