NEWS: Paul Wells appointed to Board of Directors
OrKidstra is pleased to welcome Paul Wells to the Board of Directors. Mr. Wells is Senior Writer at Maclean’s magazine. He is also an award-winning author and a frequent commentator on CBC’s Power & Politics and The National’s At Issue panel. He brings to the table superb analytical skills, in-depth knowledge of the Ottawa scene and a profound love of music.
“OrKidstra has rapidly become an important part of Ottawa community life, and I’m so excited by its ambitious plans for growth,” Wells said. “By bringing music to the lives of so many children who, in many cases, may not have been exposed to it, OrKidstra helps make Ottawa a happier place to live. I’m so grateful for this chance to help them with their important work.”
OrKidstra is a charitable, social development program which teaches life skills to kids from Ottawa’s under-served areas through learning and making music together: empower kids…build community.