NYOJ visits OrKidstra!

Last week OrKidstra had the privilege of having some visitors! These visitors were 25 of the students from the National Youth Orchestra of Jamaica (NYOJ). NYOJ is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that, like OrKidstra, was inspired by El Sistema. “NYOJ uses free classical music education as a tool to inspire, empower and enhance the lives of at-risk Jamaican youths.” At the beginning of this month NYOJ was invited by the Jamaican High Commissioner to travel to Canada and perform during the Jamaican Independence Day Celebrations. NYOJ named this opportunity of a life-time their “Canada Dream Tour”. This trip had places for 25 youth so the students of NYOJ all auditioned to be able to take part in this tour. During this trip they visited and performed in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa – selling out most shows! From what we heard they had a very busy and fun-filled 10 days!
OrKidstra was asked to host a social evening where the NYOJ could meet the OrKidstra Chamber Groups. How could we pass up such an incredible opportunity?! Not only were the OrKidstra kids able to socialize with NYOJ but they were able to watch some of them perform an impromptu a capella song. The OrKidstra Chamber Groups then had the honour of performing some of their favourite pieces! It was incredible to see these youth from such different backgrounds be brought together by one mutual love: music.
For more information on the incredible movement that is happening in Jamaica please check their website!