OrKidstra is pleased to welcome Sean McGee to the Board

OrKidstra is pleased to welcome Sean McGee to the Board of Directors. Sean is a Partner at Nelligan O’Brien Payne LLP, specializing in labour and employment law. Fluently bilingual, Sean is a Past President of l’Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario. His major outside interest is music: playing frequent gigs in two bands and with the Nellotones.
“Music, and the skills, the joy and the relationships that come with it, are benefits that can be enjoyed in youth and for a lifetime. I am happy to be able to help OrKidstra continue its outstanding work, bringing all of these benefits to youth in the Ottawa area.”
OrKidstra is a charitable, social development program which teaches life skills to kids from Ottawa’s under-served areas through learning and making music together: empower kids…build community.