OrKidstra launches new accessible and interactive website thanks to support from the community
Photo by Robert S. Vibert
OrKidstra is grateful to the City of Ottawa’s Capacity Building Funding Program (Cultural Funding Support Section), a generous gift from an anonymous donor and Baytek for their support for this project.
OTTAWA, Ont. – May 15, 2018 – OrKidstra is very pleased to announce the revitalization of its online presence with the launch of a new accessible, responsive and interactive website located at orkidstra.ca. The project was made possible by a grant from the City of Ottawa’s Capacity Building Funding Program (Cultural Funding Support Section), a generous gift from an anonymous donor and support from Ottawa-based web and branding company Baytek. This strengthened online presence will allow OrKidstra to build organizational capacity and sustainability with the goal of reaching and empowering more kids from under-served areas through the transformative power of music.
OrKidstra is an Ottawa-based, social development program that empowers kids from under-served communities by teaching life skills – such as teamwork, commitment, respect and pride in achievement – through the universal language of music. The OrKidstra Board of Directors initiated the website and identity revitalization in celebration of its 10th anniversary in 2017 and as part of its 15-year Strategic Plan vision.
Former Managing Director of CBC Ottawa and OrKidstra Vice-Chair Jane Anido is thrilled with the results of the project. “We wanted our online presence to be barrier-free – just like our program,” she said. “Our dream was to create an interactive, online space where our community could converse with us, where anyone could hear our music, apply for programs, donate and learn more about OrKidstra on any device including mobile. When you explore this new site, you will fall in love with OrKidstra’s remarkable children, their achievements and the beauty of their music. We celebrate those who have made this revitalization possible.”
Executive Director of Baytek Sébastien Belley is happy that the partnership with OrKidstra will have a positive impact on the lives of local kids. “When I met with OrKidstra last year to discuss the project, I immediately felt how important and heartfelt the cause of helping children from under-served areas was to OrKidstra and its supporters,” he said. “Being in the same neighbourhood as OrKidstra, Baytek also has a heart for helping children to become better adults: we recently joined a not-for-profit organization (Browning Reid Institute) to help children learn the importance of coding early in their lives. We are very proud of OrKidstra’s new website and feel that it represents the love and passion we all have for our children, their future and success! We’re looking forward to continuing our support for OrKidstra and its cause for years to come.”
OrKidstra’s revitalized online presence includes many up-to-date features that will help OrKidstra better serve the community:
- Intuitive layout with easy access to most-requested information
- Easy-to-use online application form for families applying for OrKidstra’s free after-school programs
- Responsive design which will allow for easy viewing on any device (including mobile)
- Complete accessibility compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level A and majority compliance with Level AA (as outlined by the Government of Ontario)
- Easy access to information on the positive impacts of the OrKidstra program through stats and stories (photography for this website kindly provided in part by Robert S. Vibert)
- Vibrant and relevant social media with a focus on connecting and building community
- Increased visibility within the community which will help to grow relationships and sustainability
City of Ottawa: The City of Ottawa’s Capacity Building Funding Program (Cultural Funding Support Section, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department) is designed to assist Ottawa’s local arts, festival and fair organizations to build organizational capacity and sustainability at key milestones in their development. The project-based funding is intended to increase support towards organizational effectiveness in areas such as fundraising, governance and management, marketing and promotions, creative, and overall organizational strategies.
Baytek: Baytek is an Ottawa-based dedicated team of highly qualified individuals who have been creating brands and websites for over 20 years. They are a service-oriented company with a penchant for quality and have a long list of clients in many industries including corporations, associations and governments.
OrKidstra: OrKidstra is a chartiable social development program for children aged 5 to 18 living in under-served areas of Ottawa. The organization’s mission is to empower kids and build community through music. Inspired by El Sistema, OrKidstra carries out its mission by providing children, from lower-income families in Ottawa, with free group and individual music lessons, free instruments and the chance to learn important life skills such as respect, compassion, teamwork and responsibility through playing and singing music together. With over 600 students from 42 cultural and linguistic backgrounds, OrKidstra has become a world-class example of why music is called the universal language. Charitable Reg. # 83246 7153 RR0001
Rebecca Russell
Development & Communications Officer
[email protected]
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