Bring music education home with OrKidstra!

During these challenging times, OrKidstra is finding new ways to help empower kids and build community through music. OrKidstra is proud to share free access to its fun and engaging online KiddlyWinks videos! Click here to get this content free in your mailbox!

OrKidstra’s KiddlyWinks is a popular, fun-filled, value-based music education program for elementary school-age children! Let KiddlyWinks Director Ms. Venessa be your guide as you journey into the wonderful world of music! Just click on video for the song you want to learn and have fun! 

OrKidstra’s KiddlyWinks Video Series: Introduction (featuring Venessa Lachance)

OrKidstra’s KiddlyWinks Video Series: La Petite Grenouille (featuring Venessa Lachance)

OrKidstra’s KiddlyWinks Video Series: Recorder – Warm-up (featuring Venessa Lachance)

Want access to even MORE amazing free content?

Help your child explore the wonderful world of music! Simply sign up below and we’ll send you the link to even more free KiddlyWinks video content AND access to brand new videos as they’re released. We know you’ll just love being part of OrKidstra’s KiddlyWinks community! 



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OrKidstra is a charitable social development program that empowers kids, ages 5-18, from equity-deserving Ottawa communities by teaching life skills – such as teamwork, commitment, respect and pride in achievement – through the universal language of music. OrKidstra’s popular KiddlyWinks program encourages elementary school-age kids to engage actively with music through singing, movement and playing easy-to-learn instruments like recorder and glockenspiel. Click here to learn more about OrKidstra’s KiddlyWinks online music education initiative

Special thanks to Treepot Media and Venessa Lachance in the creation of these videos. Please consider making a donation to OrKidstra to help support our new virtual music education initiatives! Charitable Organization # 83246 7153 RR0001