Send a Kid to CAMP OrKidstra!
CAMP OrKidstra is BACK! Filled with music, outdoor activities, games, crafts, leadership development, friendship, community building, and summer fun, CAMP OrKidstra is an experience like no other!
Help kids PLAY this summer at CAMP OrKidstra!
Your gift will help kids like Jayden, Kesha, and Hoonwha, participate in CAMP OrKidstra this July. Also known as the Anne Taylor Summer Program, this FREE two-week camp will bring together kids from both Vanier and Centretown for LIVE MUSIC and IN-PERSON summer fun for the first time since 2019!
Plus, every $1 donated* in the month of JUNE earns OrKidstra a chance to WIN $20,000 from CanadaHelps with the Great Canadian Giving Challenge!
Give today and help send a kid to CAMP!
*Minimum $3 donation. The Great Canadian Giving Challenge from CanadaHelps ends on June 30, 2022, at 11:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).